|Marc Goehring
032c's fashion editor Marc Goehring unboxes ADYAR's Legionnaire Veil Hat from the AW-17 collection and finds his inner siren.
CRUSH TEST #2, June 1st, 2017, 2:25pm

Sadly, my self-proclaimed clairsentient abilities have been called out as bluff throughout my life. As I stand sulking, I am suddenly struck by a shift in the surrounding energetic environment. My gasp still audible, I grasp the presence of this, well, ghost, but quickly shift my focus from the thestral to the vestiary. How lovely of this cloaked spirit to reveal its trace for an instant of fashion fanfare. And yet, so naive! As it proudly drifts past my fleshy self, I snatch the unmasking veil from its “head” and make a run for it.

Has the search for my place within the continuity between science and mystery finally climaxed? A sea of opportunity opens up before me, and I make sure to break in all the options. Imagine: You are at a strenuous gathering of supposed peers when a particular monotonous rival appears, requiring you to Houdini into spontaneous incognito. Or: You are at a Saudi dune buggy racing tournament and swiftly need to amp up your credibility. Oh no: The invitation to the polo event slipped your mind! No worries, this headdress easily conforms to fit the appropriate attire.

I could not have dreamed for a better outcome of this escapade. My inner-siren has found an exterior identity and I am filled with utter bliss. ADYAR’s Legionnaire Veil Hat in camo cordura and silk georgette is able to reinstate a spiritual intimacy with the self. My splintered personality is healed and accepted by a force that endures fragmentation.
- Text: Marc Goehring