032c Kristen Stewart Fanzine - 032c
  • 032c Kristen Stewart Fanzine - 032c
  • 032c Kristen Stewart Fanzine - 032c
  • 032c Kristen Stewart Fanzine - 032c

032c Kristen Stewart Fanzine


Made by Collier Schorr, Savannah Knoop, and Kristen Stewart. Published by 032c Workshop for 032c Issue #36, May 2019.

“Come hang out with us.” – Kristen Stewart

In May 2019, photographer Collier Schorr and actress Kristen Stewart went to hang out at artist Savannah Knoop's Manhattan apartment. JT Leroy, the Justin Kelly-directed film adaptation of Knoop’s memoir Girl Boy Girl: How I Became JT Leroy starring Stewart as the author, had been released in US theaters only a few weeks before. This 25-page staple bound fanzine reproduces the conversation that day, alongside photo documentation by Schorr and an introduction by Knoop. The layers of intimacy in the result are many. In front of Schorr’s camera, Stewart reflects on playing Knoop, Knoop reflects on playing JT Leroy in real life, and all three reflect on play, among other topics – including BDSM, gender, and Chanel. Stewart, far from Hollywood, shares thoughts she typically keeps off camera. “Usually, as soon as the thing goes on, the whole temperature changes,” she says of most photo shoots. "And then I’m super aware. But right now, I’m like, ‘Okay, I can say absolutely fucking anything.’” 



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