“A Celebration of Trans-Everything” by C☆NDY Magazine
Joerg Koch / 032C WORKSHOP are pleased to invite you to “C☆NDY Magazine: A Celebration of Trans-Everything.”

Founded in 2009 by the Madrid-based creative director LUIS VENEGAS, C☆NDY is dedicated to what Venegas describes as the “Transversal” world: transgender, transsexuality, drag, cross-dressing, and androgyny.
The style magazine has gained wide recognition both in the transversal community and in the general fashion audience. As photographer Bruce Weber told the New York Times, “I think Luis publishes things that are so personal to him that no one else would ever do, and that’s the marvel of it.” The exhibition will document the nine existing issues of C☆NDY, as well as a selection of inspirational books and magazines from Venegas’s personal library.